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Extreme sex stories: A brother and sister.

At first I didn’t know it was her. Just a brilliantspill of bright blonde hair and a small slim body in apink La Sucia Hijastra Latina Betty La Ternurita Se Folla A Su Padrastro PORNO EN ESPANtildeOL blouse and snug faded blue jeans, standing in lineat the coffee shop. I was behind her and I looked herover, admiring her lovely hair and her cute little ass.But then I heard her order a tall mocha and recognizedher voice.“Make it two,” I said, sliding a ten dollar bill overthe counter to the barista.For a fraction of a moment the beautiful little blonderegarded me with suspicion, but then she realized Ambitious Licie Blowing Well itwas me and her face lit up with surprise and delight.“Oh my God!” she cried. She threw her arms around meand I laughed into her golden hair as she hugged me.“Oh, Andy,” she said against my neck, “I can’t believeit’s you. Where have you been? It’s so good to seeyou!” “It’s good to see you too, Nikkie,” I said.She stepped back and we looked at each other. Icouldn’t be sure of what she thought about me, but myown reaction to seeing her was the same as it hadalways been: startled, and just a bit sad. My babysister was My Step Father Caught Me Watching Porno And Disciplined Me Very Rigid For It Squir7een still the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.“It’s been so long,” she said. “I’ve missed you somuch.” “I’ve missed you too.” I took my change from thebarista, who was beaming at us as if she wasresponsible for some grand romantic reunion. I grabbedNikkie’s hand and said, “Let’s go sit down.”We got a table near the door and sat across from eachother.“Well, Nikkie,” I said, “you’re still as lovely asever.”Nikkie smiled shyly and replied, “Oh, thank you, Andy.You’re always so sweet.” She reached over and lightlypunched my shoulder. “You’re still a cutie too. So,what have you been doing? Where’ve you been? Are youstill in school? Are you doing okay?” “Hold on,” I said, laughing, “one question at a time.”I filled her in on what I’d been up to in the threeyears since we’d last seen each other: I hadn’t La Sucia Hijastra Latina Betty La Ternurita Se Folla A Su Padrastro PORNO EN ESPANtildeOL leftthe city, just kind of hung around downtown, movingfrom one job to the next while I got through college;I’d worked as a janitor, as a security guard, acabinetmaker (the best paying job I’d had, though itonly lasted one summer), even a car wash attendant. Butnow that I had my bachelor’s degree I was working as aproofreader at a small downtown publishing firm. Thehours were lousy, the pay even worse, but it wasn’tdangerous or physically demanding and I had the chancenow to pay more attention to my writing.“So, what are you doing, Nikkie?” I asked.“Me? I’m on my break,” Nikkie replied with amischievous grin.“Two tall mochas,” the barista called from the coffeebar.“You little brat,” I said, then went and got ourdrinks. When I returned I said, “So, if you’re on yourbreak, you must be working.” “Sure am,” Nikkie replied. “I’m an administrativeassistant at the adult education center next door.” “The place next door? Kind of a rough clientele, isn’tit?” From what I’d heard, the place mainly catered tothe homeless, and to people recovering from dg andalcohol ae.“Nothing I can’t handle,” my little sister replied witha shrug. She sipped Beautiful Girl Sex By The Window Russian Porn Part1 at her coffee and said, “Besides, Idon’t really have much to do with the students. MostlyI just push paper and make typing noises on thecomputer all day. Which I’m gonna have to get back to.I’m only on a fifteen minute break.” “Yeah, me too. But Nikkie, I want to talk to you sobad. What do you say we get together later on? Probablynot tonight because I’m working late. How abouttomorrow? It’s Saturday.” “That would be great,” Nikkie said. My baby sister puther soft hand on top of mine. “I’d love to spend moretime with you, Andy. Get caught up and everything.” “Then it’s a date,” I said.We got up from the table and headed for the door. Whenwe got outside we hugged each other goodbye. Nikkiekissed me on the neck and said, “I live on the cornerof Second and Trade Street. Apartment 208. Can you makeit around noon?” “Absolutely,” I said. I could smell the sweet scent oflilacs in her beautiful hair as she continued to Depiladora Falou Que Era Para Facilitar A Depilaccedil_atilde_o Mas Ela holdme.“Oh God, Andy, I really have missed you.” “I know, sweetheart.” I kissed her quickly on the lips.“See you tomorrow.” “Can’t wait,” Nikkie said. I turned to go but shestopped me with a hand on my arm. “Hey, did you meanit?” “Did I mean what?” “When you said it was a date. Are we going on a date?”She had that mischievous grin on her face again.“Sure,” I said. “If you want it to be a date, thenit’ll be a date.”Nikkie smiled and her big blue eyes shined.“Wonderful,” she said.We parted reluctantly and I walked back to work,absently drinking my espresso and telling myself that Iwas an incredibly lucky guy; I had a date with the mostbeautiful girl in the world.The neighborhood Nikkie lived in wasn’t the best in thecity, but it wasn’t the worst either. Mostly low incomeapartment buildings and mom RealityKings HD Love Seductive Shae and pop shops, with acoffeehouse, a bohemian theatre, an antique store, anadult bookstore, and restaurants scattered here andthere. I’d been a little surprised when she told me heraddress; for the last year or so since she’d moved outof our parents’ house we had lived only six blocks fromeach other and didn’t even know it.I’d gone into some of the shops, had bought coffee onthe corner, had watched a few independent films at thetheatre and frequented the adult bookstore on a regularbasis, and yet we had never run into each other. Notthat Nikkie had ever gone into Black Bull Impregnates Cuckolding Wife Angie Moon After Ruining Her the adult bookstore,though I wondered now as I drove past its garish neonsign and bright red door and parked in front of herapartment building, if she’d ever seen me going in orcoming out. It was probably a relatively good thingthat we hadn’t reunited until now.As I entered Nikkie’s building and followed theapartment numbers down the hallway and around thecorner, I thought about her, about how much she’dchanged in the last three years, and how much shehadn’t changed. She was sixteen when I left home, justa cute young kid who looked younger and purer than shereally was. She still looked too young and too pure,but it seemed more like just appearances now.I wasn’t sure what it was about her that gave me thatimpression; maybe something in those beautiful blueeyes, or her posture, or the way she’d looked at me andtalked to me, more like a downtowner than a young girlfrom Shower Sex They Both Came At The Same Time the upper middle class neighborhoods of the WestEnd. Maybe it was just how nice her ass had looked inthose blue jeans. Whatever it was, I knew as I came upon apartment 208 that I was dealing now with someonewho was going to be new to me in some ways and yet justas familiar as ever.I knocked and a few moments later Nikkie opened thedoor. She was wearing a simple white dress with tinypink flowers all over it and her sunlight colored hairwas tied back in a ponytail. She looked so fabulousthat for a second I was speechless.“Hi, Andy,” she said, giving me a big sweet smile.“Hi, Nikkie,” I said. “Are you ready for our date?” “Sure,” Nikkie replied with a giggle. “Just hold on forone teeny minute, okay?”She ducked into the bathroom and I waited there in thedoorway. While I waited a very pretty brown-haired girlwith large doe eyes and a nice little body came to thedoor. She looked like Tomochka Tribute To You From Arthur From France she was about my age.“Hi,” she said, “I’m Maggie, Nikkie’s roommate.” “Hi, Maggie,” I said, “I’m her brother Andy.” “Yeah,” Maggie said, looking me over. “Her brother. Theone she ran into yesterday. She hasn’t stopped talkingabout you since. But did you, um, did you say you weretaking her on a date?” “Yes, but it’s not that kind of date.” “Yeah, okay.” Maggie continued to scrutinize me and itwas obvious that she didn’t believe me. I didn’t knowwhat to do with that, so I just stood there andscrutinized her as well. She opened her mouth to saysomething more but just then Nikkie came out of thebathroom.“Ready,” she announced. She slipped her arm aroundMaggie’s waist and pecked her on the cheek. “Bye, hon.Don’t wait up for me.” She giggled again.Maggie responded by taking Nikkie in a full embrace.She kissed her on the lips, then held my sister’s facein her hands and said softly, “Bye, sweetheart.” Shegave me a pointed FIRSTANALQUEST HARDCORE ANAL POUNDING WITH THE BEAUTIFUL ARIEL TEMPLE look, making it clear that she didn’tcare for me very much, then let go of Nikkie and wentback into the living room.“Let’s go,” Nikkie said.We walked together down the hallway, holding hands.“Wow,” I said. “What was that all about?” “Oh,” Nikkie replied, “that was just Maggie being aclown. She’s a big clown.”I suspected there might be more to it than that but Ididn’t say anything.I took her to a small Italian restaurant on the NorthEnd. Sotavento’s, a dim quiet place on Pearl Streetthat served the best spaghetti and meatballs in thecity. Nikkie was delighted by the place, she’d neverknown it existed, and she was just as crazy aboutItalian food as I was. We got a table for two in theback, ordered our lunch, then began to get caught up oneach other’s lives.We talked a little more about our jobs; she said sheonly worked part Drunken Vanda time, for minimum wage, sitting infront of a computer all day managing records and makingforms and typing correspondence. Nikkie talked abouther work in a bored disinterested kind of way thatseemed designed to make me bored and disinterested too,but I wasn’t at all.I was fascinated with her, with the idea of mywonderful baby sister actually out there in the world,taking care of herself. Even her nonchalance wasintriguing, and when I filled her in on the dry factsof my own work, how I spent as many as twelve hours aday poring over manuscripts for continuity andmistakes, I noticed how her eyes bore into me, how sheleaned forward and smiled slightly when I talked. Shehung on my every word.Our lunch came and we ate while we talked about life inthe city.“I love living downtown,” Nikkie declared, “simply loveit. So different from our old neighborhood. There’sjust so much to see, and so much to do. Peopleeverywhere. And the buildings, you know, some of themare just so cool looking. The old buildings, the reallyclassic ones.” “Yeah, the buildings,” I said, “and the women. I Mofos Megan Rain Pervs On Patrol don’tknow why, but downtown Darlington seems to have morebeautiful women per capita than anywhere else in theworld.” “Maybe it’s something in the water.” Nikkie speared ameatball with her fork and pretended to examine it. “Orthe meatballs.” She popped it into her mouth.‘I don’t know,’ I thought to myself, ‘but whatever itis, you’ve gotten the lion’s share.’“So Andy,” Nikkie said, twirling pasta around her fork,“do you have a girlfriend?” “Not at the moment,” I said. “There’ve been a few girlsbut they didn’t last.” “What were they like?” “They were wonderful, of course. Lovely and smart,confident, funny, lots of fun. But they didn’t wantanything serious. The problem was they always waiteduntil I told them I loved them before they let me knowthat. One girl even moved to San Jose after I told herhow I felt about her.” “Oh, you poor guy,” Nikkie said.“Love is a fucking nightmare,” I said, immediatelyregretting the angry tone in my voice.Nikkie chewed a mouthful of spaghetti, swallowed, andsaid, “Sounds to me like they weren’t so smart afterall. I’d kl for a guy who loved me. Especially ahottie like you.”I laughed, surprised and pleased by my sister’scompliment. I thanked her and said, “But what are yousaying, Nik? No guy has fallen in love with you 花季少年小李和小杜互相口交 yet?” “Nope. Not a one.” “I find that impossible to believe. I would think you’dhave guys fighting over you night and day.” “Well, there have been guys, and they’ve told me theyloved me, but….you know, it wasn’t my heart theywanted to get into.” Nikkie smiled an embarrassed smileand I realized that she didn’t resent those guys.“You know, Nikkie,” I said, leaning forward and lookingdirectly into her eyes. “This is one of the reasonsI’ve always adored you. Because there’s no bitternessin your beautiful heart.”Nikkie’s smile widened, her face bright, her eyesglittering.After lunch we drove back downtown. Nikkie said shewanted to see a movie, but she didn’t want to watchanything in the regular theatres. “Something offbeat,”she said, which naturally pointed the way to thebohemian theatre, which was showing a series of foreignfilms that week. It was only a block away from herapartment building, so we parked in the same spot I’dparked in earlier and walked together down to thecorner of Fourth Street and Milton Avenue. When we gotthere we found that ‘Justice Undone,’ a film fromIceland, was only ten minutes away from starting.We bought tickets, sodas and popcorn, and sat in theback row just as the opening credits began to roll.There were only about fifteen other people in thetheatre, which lent an intimate quality to theatmosphere. ‘Justice Undone’ contributed to this, ormaybe just fell in line with it; a dark and somberfilm, it told the story of a man in a small isolatedcommunity who is put on trial for having a sexualrelationship with his sister. Something of anembarrassing development for Nikkie and me; we hadn’tknown what the movie was about.When the show was over we walked together up FourthStreet to the corner coffee shop, both of us silent. Ididn’t know what Nikkie thought about the film and it’ssubject, but I knew what my impression was: I wasstartled and a little sheepish, especially regardingthe scenes that were still lingering in my mind. I felta strong desire to talk about these things but at thesame time was reluctant to do so. Sex had never seemedto me like an appropriate topic of conversation forsiblings. I’d decided not to say anything, but thenNikkie brought the subject up herself.“Well,” she said once we were seated with our coffee,“that sure was a weird little movie.” “Definitely offbeat,” I said.Nikkie gave a concessive nod and smile.“Sure was. Guess I asked for that one. Literally.” Shegiggled. “But it wasn’t really a bad movie. Actually,it was pretty good. Just….confusing. I mean, what wasthe whole point? The guy got off with a light sentence,and it seemed like the town didn’t really know whatthey wanted to do. I mean, they wanted to punish him,but then they hardly punished him at all. And what wasthe point of the sister killing herself? She was theone who started the whole thing. And what does thetitle mean? Justice Undone. Which justice was undone?”She shook her head and sipped at her coffee. “I justdon’t get it.” “Maybe that was the point,” I said. “The confusion, theunclear motivations, the uncertain conclusions. Afterall, the brother and sister were consenting adults, sowhere, really, is the crime? What they did was againstthe law, but the brother was put on trial and convictednot so much for committing i’t as for offending thesensibilities of the community. The film ultimatelyleft the issue unresolved because people are generallyso ambivalent about it.”Nikkie thought about this for a minute, then said,“Yeah, maybe. Or maybe the director just didn’t knowwhat he was doing.”I laughed, but the discussion appeared to be over nowand I was disappointed; I’d hoped we could talk aboutthe two sex scenes, both of them very explicit, almostpornographic, in which the brother and sister first hadintercourse and, later, the sister performed oral sexon her brother. I could still see these scenes behindmy eyes, and I thought about them as I watched Nikkienurse her coffee and change the subject. My adorablesister.After coffee I asked Nikkie what she wanted to do next.“Let’s go look at the bay,” she said. “The waterfrontis so beautiful at sunset.”It was getting close to sunset, and she was right;Friday Bay in the twilight was a remarkable visualtreat. We walked again, back down Fourth Street, pastthe theatre and to the next block, turned onto CanalStreet and walked two more blocks down to the parkoverlooking the bay. We strolled along the promenade,talking about other movies we’d seen and liked. Westopped at a concession stand that was just gettingready to close and bought hot dogs and sodas, then saton 验证视频 a bench and ate and talked as the light faded fromthe sky.“Did you ever see ‘Henry and June?’” Nikkie asked me.“It was such a beautifully made film, and MariadeMedeiros is just plain gorgeous.” “I agree,” I said. I finished off my hot dog. “FredWard did a good job too. Caught the character of HenryMiller perfectly.” “I like Henry Miller. He’s one of my favorite writers.Him and Anais Nin. They seem like opposite sides of thesame coin. I like Jack Kerouac too. It’s a shame theynever made any decent movies from his books.” “Wouldn’t it be great if they did? A quality adaptationof ‘On The Road’ or ‘The Dharma Bums?’ Or ‘DesolationAngels.’” “Yeah, Andy, if they could do it. But whoever did itwould have to be able to bring out the sadness inKerouac’s work without losing any of the joy. He andHenry Miller were like that. They wrote jubilantlyabout life but there was always that subtle despairunderneath it all.” Nikkie balled up her trash andhanded it to me. “Their books always make me think ofyou.” “Me?” I asked as we stood up. I tossed the trash in atrash can as we walked out onto a fishing pier. “Whyme?”Nikkie shrugged her pretty shoulders and said, “Idunno.”We walked out to the end of the pier and stood at therailing. The light was almost entirely gone now and thelights on the bay and the distant shore glittered. Istood behind Nikkie and put my arms around her waist. Ihugged her to me and slutty teens get twats eaten out kissed her ponytail.“I’m not sad right now,” I said.We watched the boats on the bay for a while, thenNikkie said, “I really like some modern writers too.Like Larry McMurtry, and Lynne McFall. Oh, and PatConroy. ‘The Prince of Tides’ just made me totally cry.I like Sarah Schulman too.” “I’ve heard of Sarah Schulman,” I said. I looked downat my sister. “Isn’t she a lesbian writer?” “Yeah. Maggie turned me on to her. She’s not aseloquent as writers like Pat Conroy, but she’s stillvery talented. Funny and gritty. She was inspired byJack Kerouac. In fact, the title of her novel ‘GirlsVisions and Everything’ comes from a line in ‘On TheRoad.’” Nikkie looked up and saw the way I was lookingat her. She gave me a wry smile and said, “Don’t worry,Andy, I’m not a lesbian.” “What about Maggie?” I asked.Nikkie looked back out at the water and said, “Shethinks she’s in love with me.”I wasn’t surprised by this remark, though I wasintrigued by Nikkie’s tone of voice; it suggested amixture of affection and disappointment, conflictedfeelings. I wanted to ask her more questions butcouldn’t decide what I wanted to know.Nikkie sighed and said, “Gee, Andy, this is all sobeautiful. I’m having such a wonderful time with you.”I kissed her cheek and told her that I loved her. Mybaby sister smiled and turned around in my arms. Oureyes met, fell deeply into each other, and suddenly wewere kissing. Not passionately, but there was nodenying the romantic and even erotic energy in the wayour lips touched, pressed together. The kiss onlylasted a few seconds, then Nikkie looked at me andsaid, “Andy. Why does the nicest guy I’ve ever met haveto be my brother?” “I was just wondering the same thing,” I said.We strolled back to Nikkie’s apartment building and Iassumed our time together was over, but then Nikkietouched my shoulder and said, “Let’s go to your place.” “Sounds good to me,” I said.We got in my car and drove the six blocks to mybuilding. We went inside and I dug two beers out of therefrigerator while Nikkie looked around. She lookedover the titles in my bookcase, and the titles of themovies in my video collection as well. I was a littleembarrassed; there were several videos with titles like‘Desires of the Flesh’ and ‘Living in Sin.’ She waskind of smirking at these when I handed her a beer.“Interesting collection of movies you’ve got here,” shesaid. “‘Forbidden Angels’….’Girls GoneWild’….’Lesbian Cheerleaders’….” She giggled andlooked at me. “‘All That Jizz?’” “Sorry,” I said. I went over to the stereo and turnedon an oldies station, then sat on the sofa. Nikkiecontinued to look at the videos for a minute before shejoined me.“I think I’d video xác minh like to see ‘Lewd Adventures,’” she said.“Sounds lewd.” She giggled again and I apologizedagain. “Sokay, big brother. I know guys are into thatkind of stuff. Everybody needs to spice up their sexlives one way or another.” She took a big swallow ofher beer, then looked at me. “I should warn you,” shesaid, holding the bottle up next to her face, “I can’thave too many of these. I’m a ridiculously quick drunk.No more than three, otherwise I pass out.” “Okay,” I said, “only three beers for Nikkie.”She smiled at me, the sweetest loveliest smile I’d everseen, then swallowed more beer. I drank too as ‘Sha-Boom’ burbled out of the stereo. It wasn’t until thatsong was over and another tune, ‘Shake Rattle and Roll’came on that Nikkie spoke again.“I had a boyfriend,” she said, “who used to watch thatstuff all the time. And he always wanted me to watch itwith him. I’m not really that much into porn, but I’dwatch. The movies, I mean. Sometimes it could be fun.Like when he wanted to do the same stuff that thepeople in the movie were doing.” “Really,” I said, not quite sure what to do with thatinformation. Nikkie nodded.“Yep. Learned how to give very memorable….well, oralpleasure.” She smiled a little and I realized she wasblushing. “Sorry. You probably don’t want to hear aboutmy sordid sex life.” “No, go right ahead, Nik. Tell me all about it.” “Really? You want to know about all that?” “Sure. The more sordid the better.”My baby sister laughed and said, “Okay, but let mefinish this beer first. Much easier to confess when I’mintoxicated.” She took a long swig, close to emptyingthe bottle, and I told her to take it easy since shewas only getting two more of those. Nikkie replied,“That’s funny. Most guys can’t wait to get me tutor4k. mature teacher seduced into spontaneous orgy with insatiable disciple drunk,”then she burped and laughed at herself.I couldn’t believe it; she was already buzzed. Iwondered how many men had seen her like this, how manyhad taken advantage of it. How many had waited untilshe was passed out. Part of me didn’t want to know,because I’d just end up uselessly hating those men, butanother part of me wanted very much to know. To hearall the details.Nikkie finished her beer and handed me the emptybottle. I went to the kitchen and pulled another beerout of the fridge. When I returned ‘Mack The Knife’ wasplaying. I handed Nikkie her drink and sat next to heragain, closer to her this time. Nikkie twisted the capoff and drank, and as she did I looked her over. Shewas thin and shapely, with narrow hips and smallishbreasts, and long smooth legs. I found myself staringat those legs, wanting to caress them. To caress her.“Yeah, I know,” she said, letting her head loll againstthe back of the sofa. “I’m a hottie, I can’t help it.”I felt I should apologize for staring at her, but atthe same time I wanted to tell her that she really wasa hottie, the hottest girl I’d ever seen. I ended upnot saying anything. I finished my beer instead whileNikkie made some serious headway on her second. ‘MackThe Knife’ reached its garish conclusion and a stringof commercials began.“You ever been in love?” Nikkie asked.“Are you paralyzed fantasy kidding?” I replied. “I fall in love at thedrop of a hat.” “Really? Not me. I don’t fall in love so easily. Imean, really in love. But when I do fall, I fall prettyhard.” Nikkie had her beer resting on her smooth flatbelly now, and she was staring at my bookcase as shetalked. “That’s how it was with Brian. The guy with thevideos? I was totally in love with him and wanted to dowhatever he told me. I guess that’s something I’m kindof into, you know? Being told what to do. Beingsubmissive. So when we were doing the whole porn videothing, he was pretty much ordering me to do it. Itworked out for both of us, because he got to imagine hewas doing it with all those beautiful women and I gotto act out this love slave fantasy I had.” “Love slave?” I couldn’t believe my sweet and innocentlittle sister was talking like this.“Well, it’s not like he tied me up and whipped me oranything. But he did get to do pretty much whatever hewanted with me. His favorite thing was oral sex, ofcourse. I learned how to do it just like the porngirls, and I got very good at it. We did all kinds ofdifferent, acrobatic positions too. And even anal sex.Brian ruled my life. He didn’t love me but he ownedme.” “Wow, Little Nickel,” I said, using an old pet name forher that I’d discarded years ago, “that doesn’t soundlike you at all.” “Yeah, I’m a big surprise,” Nikkie said, and took aswallow of her beer. “We all have our own secret sexfantasies, Andy. That was mine. One of them, anyway. Ihave several.” “What are some of the others?”Nikkie thought for a moment, then asked, “You ever dothreesomes?” “No. Have you?” “No. But that’s one of my fantasies. Me and two guys.Or even me and a guy and another girl, I suppose 验证视频. Ialso have this gang re fantasy, but it’s just afantasy. I’d never want to act on it. But I have actedout the stranger on a train fantasy.” “Stranger on a train?” “Yeah, you know, in Erica Jong’s ‘Fear of Flying.’ Thefantasy of meeting a total stranger on a train andfucking the daylights out of him. I’ve done that a fewtimes, though never actually on a train.” “How many men have you been with?” I asked.“Not really that many. I’ve had three boyfriends,including Brian. Two or three strangers on a train. Andabout five guys who just fucked me and forgot me. So Iguess that makes, what? Ten? Eleven? Twelve?” Nikkielaughed and said, “Wow, I’m a slut.” “How many women have you been with?” “Guys always want to know that.”Nikkie drained the last of her second beer and handedit to me. I went and got her another one, and a secondone for myself. When I came back I sat close enough toher that our thighs were touching, and I put my armaround her shoulders. Nikkie rested her head against myneck. On the stereo Chubby Checker started up with‘Let’s Twist Again.’“Okay,” my sister said, “do you mean women I’veactually had sex with, or do I include making out?” “Include making out,” I said, my voice low.“Okay…. let’s see…. there was Daphne, my bestfriend in junior high, we made out once…. andCamille, my best friend in high school, we also madeout once…. we masturbated each other…. and thenthere was this girl at a party when I was in collegethat one year, last year…. I was drunk and these guyshad dared her to go down on me. She did, but tell youthe truth, I was so wasted I didn’t feel a thing. Andthen, of course, there’s Maggie.” “Yeah, right, Maggie. I don’t think she likes me verymuch.” “She’s just jealous.” “Because she’s in love with you?” “She thinks she is,” Nikkie said. She drank more beer.The bottle was half empty now but she didn’t seem tohave progressed very far beyond a good buzz. “Shewasn’t lying when she said I wouldn’t stop talkingabout you. I was just so glad to see you again.” “Are you two lovers?” I asked.“I dunno. I wouldn’t say lovers. We do it every once ina while. But Andy, it’s really just kind of a fun thingfor me. Maggie knows that, I’ve told her enough times.She just takes it all too seriously. I mean, she’s evenstopped dating other women, which I think is justtotally uncalled for.”I was going to ask her something else, some directquestion hot blonde stepmom with huge tits gets fucked hard by a stranger big black cock about what she and Maggie did together in bed,but instead chose to imagine it. I recalled a scenefrom one of my videos (‘Desires of the Flesh’) in whicha beautiful blonde girl and an equally beautiful brown-haired girl made passionate love to each other withlips and tongues and fingers, lots of tit-sucking andcunt-licking. The women were lousy actresses, butthey’d been surprisingly convincing in the sex scene,almost convincing enough to make me believe they wereenjoying themselves.I replayed that scene in my mind, substituting thebrown-haired girl with Maggie and, of course, theblonde with Nikkie. I liked the resulting image,especially when the lesbian scene was done and theinterloping male appeared and promptly proceeded to geta tag team blowjob from the girls. In the video thathad pretty much ruined the lesbian scene, but in myfantasy it only made it more pleasurable, since the guywas now me.“What about you?” Nikkie asked.“What about me?” I asked. I was hoping she wasn’t goingto ask me if I’d ever been with a man.“What’s your favorite sex fantasy?” She half squintedat me. “I bet it has something to do with lesbians.” “Well, you’re close,” I said. “I’d say lesbians are mysecond favorite sex fantasy. I don’t think you want toknow what my favorite thing is.” “Oh come on,” Nikkie said, nudging my shoulder with herbeer bottle. “I told you, so you tell me.” “Okay, um, you’re probably going to think this isgross, but…. I think about you.”Nikkie surprised me by smiling.“Really?” she said. “You have sex fantasies about me?”She looked at her beer, then took another swallow.“What do you think about me? I mean, you know, whathappens in your fantasies?” “Well,” I said, wishing I’d gotten buzzed too, “just aminute ago I was picturing you and Maggie together. ButI’ve also had lots of other types of fantasies aboutyou. You doing it with other guys, doing it with blackguys, doing it with women…. actresses, mostly….and, um…. doing it with me.” “Yeah? Well, I’m not surprised. After all, I’m such ahot babe.” Nikkie giggled and drank more beer. “It’sreally not a bad thing, Andy brother. I’t fantasiesare pretty common. Everybody has them. Or most peopledo, anyway. I know I’ve had them. About you, I mean.It’s the thrill of crossing boundaries.”Chubby Checker was done and now Elvis came on with‘Can’t Help Falling In Love.’“Oh, I love this song,” Nikkie said. “It’s so fuckingromantic.” She looked at me and asked, “Will you dancewith me? Come on.” She set her beer on the coffee tableand wobbled to her feet, then took my hand. I got upand we went around to the other side of the coffeetable. I took my lovely baby sister in my arms andhugged her to me and she rested her head against myshoulder. We danced silently for a minute, swaying andsolemnly listening to the King’s deep silver voice:Wise men say…. only fools rush inBut I can’t help…. falling in love with youShall I stay…. would it be a sin?If I can’t help…. falling in love with you.“You know what I think about that movie?” Nikkie asked.“‘Justice Unknown?’ Or undressed? Or whatever? Ithink there was something wrong with the town. Thedirector was trying to say sexmex – camila lovesick cousin something about society.” “What do you think he was trying to say, Nik?” “That there’s something wrong with society when wewon’t tolerate two people being in love. I mean, youcould argue that the brother and sister symbolizedother socially forbidden couples, like two women or twomen or interracial couples. But even if you take themliterally, there’s still something wrong with the town,because the brother and sister are consenting adults.They weren’t hurting anybody, they were just in love.”Nikkie paused for a moment, then in a sad voice said,“I think people should be allowed to love whoever theywant.” “I agree, sweetheart,” I said. I kissed the top of herhead and she looked up at me. “Nikkie…. I have totell you this….” “Go ahead,” Nikkie said, touching my cheek with herfingertips. “Tell me.” “I’m in love with you. I always have been. I don’tthink I’ve ever loved anyone as much as I love you.”There, I said it.Nikkie’s thin pretty lips curled into yet anotherbrilliant smile and her beautiful blue eyes glistened.“Oh Andy, that is so sweet.” Her voice wavered a littleas she said, “I’m in love with you too.”We’d stopped dancing, which was just as well sinceElvis was nearly done with his song. I touched Nikkieunder the chin and kissed her. She murmured a littleagainst my lips, then I felt her tongue sliding shylyinto my mouth. We french-kissed through most of thenext song, whatever it was. As it ended we parted lips,and Nikkie spoke softly into my ear.“Hey Andy,” she said, “I have another sex fantasy I’vealways wanted to act out.” “What is it?” I asked.“I’ve always wanted to give you a blowjob.” “Really. What a coincidence, Nikkie. I’ve always hadthat same fantasy.” Nikkie laughed and I asked, “Do youreally want to do that?” “Of course I do.” She kissed my neck. “Tell you what.I’ll make you a deal. You go down on me and I’ll godown on you.” “Are you sure, Nikkie? I mean, you’ve had a lot todrink, for you anyway, and I didn’t bring you indo colmek amelia kartika putri samarinda here justto take advantage of you.” I didn’t really want to sayall that, but I loved my baby sister and I wanted to besure we weren’t going to do anything she didn’t want todo. I actually considered saying no, but I knew Iwasn’t going to go that far.“Don’t be silly,” Nikkie said, her voice soft andloving in my ear. “Why do you think I came here, Andy?And why do you think I got tipsy? I want to do this.I’ve wanted to suck your cock ever since I was twelve.”She kissed my neck again. “Don’t you want to eat mypussy, big brother?”I couldn’t resist then. I had no desire to. I slid myhands up her back and found the zipper on her dress,pulled it slowly down to her waist. Nikkie let go of meand I pulled her dress off her shoulders, let it fallto the floor. She stepped delicately out of it andstood now in just her tennis shoes and her white cottonpanties.Her body was the loveliest thing I’d ever seen. She waspale and smooth, perfectly slim, her breasts small andround and firm, topped with tiny pink nipples. Itouched them, just with my fingertips, caressed them,then gently cupped them in the palms of my hands.Nikkie had her eyes locked onto mine, and she wasn’tsmiling now.“What do you want me to do?” she almost whispered.“Just tell me, Andy. I’ll do whatever you say.” “Lay down on the floor,” I replied.Immediately Nikkie stepped back and lowered herselfonto the carpet. She lay on her back with her legstogether and her hands joined over her belly. I kneltbeside her and removed her shoes, then slowly pulledher panties over her narrow hips and down her long thinlegs. Her cunt too was beautiful, two full lips nestleddemurely behind a feint veil of golden cunt hair.Nikkie let her legs fall open, proudly showing herselfto me. I quickly took my shirt off and she watched me,idly touching herself.I crawled on top of her and settled myself between herlegs, began kissing her. I started with her beautifulperfect face and worked my way down, along her throatand collarbone to her breasts. I kissed each of them,licked them, took each of her sweet little nipples inmy mouth and sucked on them, making them hard. Nikkiesighed, gliding her fingers over my back and shoulders.She started to move her hips a little, gently pushingher cunt up against my hard-on. I nibbled and suckedher breasts for another minute, then started downwardagain, moving along her smooth flat belly.I got 甜美可爱妹子第一次下海拍片 太嫩了 to her cunt hair and finally to her cunt.Nikkie’s fingers were in my hair now as I kissed herthere and breathed deeply the delicious scent of her. Itouched her cunt lips with my tongue, licked slowly andlovingly. My baby sister’s body tensed minutely and shecaught her breath. I licked her again, lapped at her,then pushed my tongue inside of her.Nikkie gasped and moaned. I could already taste herwarm juices and drank them in. I licked and sucked onher cunt as her hands left my hair, glided up her ownbody to her breasts. As I ate my sister’s cunt shecaressed herself, gently squeezing her small breasts,pulling on her nipples. She moaned and sighed as Icontinued to go down on her, cried out softly when Ifound her clit and began sucking on it, cried outagain, more sharply this time, as she came. Nikkierelaxed then, apparently thinking I was done, but Iwasn’t; I continued to lick and suck her cunt until shecame twice more, her splendid body trembling with theforce of her orgasms. Afterward she collapsed, splayedout on the floor with her face turned to her side andher eyes closed, her breathing heavy but controlled.I moved back up her body, almost pinning her to thefloor, and peppered her breasts and throat and facewith kisses. At the same time I unfastened the fly onmy jeans and pulled my hard-on out. I didn’t reallythink about what I was doing; I was driven by desireand love and I wanted suddenly just to be inside ofher, so as I continued kissing her I guided my cock upto her cunt and pushed the head past her lips. Nikkiereacted with surprise, gasping and snapping her eyesopen, but she made no attempt to resist as I pushed mycock into her.“Oohh, Andy,” she breathed as she clutched my biceps,“this wasn’t part of the deal.” “I know, Nikkie, but I couldn’t help it. I want to fuckyou. Do you want me to stop?” “No.” Nikkie slipped her arms around me and pulled medown against her. “No, my love, I don’t want you tostop. I want いきなり手コキフェラをしてくる淫乱痴女のテクを我慢できたらご褒美SEX!彼女主観でイケメンM男が連続絶頂 you to do whatever you want to me. You ownme now.”We kissed and I began fucking her, slowly sliding mycock in and out of her cunt. She was warm and wetinside, snug but not too snug, and I was amazed at howgood it felt to be inside of her, how right it seemed.I’d imagined countless times that making love to mylittle sister would be both hot and romantic, but evenin my best dreams I’d never been able to envision this.Nikkie was exquisite as she moved and writhed beneathme, matching the thrusts of her hips with the thrustsof my cock.I started out slow and steady, took my time with her,wanting just to enjoy the astounding sensation offucking her, but wanting her to enjoy it too. We fuckedfor a long time, our bodies developing a thin sheen ofsweat as we gradually increased our speed and passion.Nikkie moaned and sighed, kissed me feverishly as shedug her fingernails into my back. She swayed andthrashed with me until finally, shuddering in my arms,she came with a loud kittenish mew, her cunt pulsingand pouring her warm come all around my cock.This time we both collapsed on the carpeted floor,tired and satisfied. We lay there for several minutes,just breathing and holding each other. Occasionally wekissed or softly murmured our love to each other. Mycock was still hard inside Nikkie’s luxurious body andevery once in a while I would move minutely, sliding itout a little then back in, just to remind myself of howlucky I was, not only to be inside of her but to bewith her at all.“Andy,” Nikkie finally said, “you didn’t come.” “I know,” I replied. “I’m saving it up for that blowjobyou promised me.” “Good,” my sister giggled, “because I still want to dothat. And you know what? Because you were so greatgoing down on me and fucking me, I’m going to give youto best blowjob you’ve ever had.” She kissed me on thelips, then pushed gently against my chest, signalingfor me to get up.I pulled my cock out of her cunt, then got to my feet.I let my jeans slide down my legs, and my cock stuckstraight up in the air, hard and glistening withNikkie’s come.“How do you want me?” she asked.“On your knees,” I replied, trying to make it soundlike an order. I wasn’t sure I was comfortable withthat little game but I reminded myself that this was asmuch her fantasy as it was mine.Nikkie pulled herself up to her knees in front of meand took my cock in her small delicate hand. She lookedat it for a moment, almost as if she was sizing up thetask before her, then unceremoniously took it in hermouth. She slid her lips over the head, then down overthe shaft, taking almost the entire length in before Ifelt my cock nudging at the back of her throat. Thenjust as slowly she mi gran polla.. modelo :gaysexy1960 drew her mouth back, sucking on meas she went. She did this three times, then pulled mycock out of her mouth and kissed the head.“I can taste my pussy on you,” she whispered, thenimmediately took me back in her mouth and resumedsucking.I touched her hair as she worked, played with her cutelittle ponytail, placing my other hand on the back ofher head. Nikkie sucked and stroked me expertly,pausing on occasion to slide her tongue up and down thelength of my cock. She kept her eyes closed and herhand and mouth moving steadily, and I could see she hadindeed learned how to do it just like the porn girls.She continued to go down on me as she glided one of herhands over her small pale breasts, then down betweenher legs. She rubbed herself anúbis dança sobre um dildo enquanto exibe o seu grande pau with her fingertips,sucking and stroking me at the same time, and beforelong she was moaning again, bringing herself closer andcloser to orgasm.I could feel my own orgasm approaching too, thepressure building in my balls as my cock grew harder.And just as Nikkie mewed and gasped, her mouth open nowand her tongue out, my cock throbbed and I poured comeinto her mouth. It spilled all over her tongue, down toher throat and dribbling down her chin. Nikkiecontinued to stroke me as she swallowed, sucked my cocka little more, then squeezed it, drawing out the lastfew drops. She licked the head of my cock clean, thenkissed it again.“Wow,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”She was looking up at me and smiling, that samewonderful smile that always seemed to be on her face inone form or another, her lips shining with my come, andagain I felt that bittersweet combination of sadnessand surprise. This was my baby sister, my LittleNickel, and I couldn’t see how I could ever have helpedbut to fall in love with her. I got down on my kneeswith her, embraced her, and kissed her cheek. Nikkiereturned my embrace, pressing her small soft breastsagainst my chest. She kissed my neck, then held me,caressing my back with her fingers.“Andy,” she said softly, “I don’t want arwen takes care nikki nutttz’_ mature pussy to the tip of gusto to go home. Iwant to stay here with you.” “I’d like that, Nikkie.” “I don’t want to deal with Maggie anymore, or withanybody else. Just you.” “You don’t have to, sweetheart. You can stay here withme for as long as you like.” “I want to be here forever,” my sister breathed.Later that night we made love again in my bed, thenslept. In the morning I woke to find Nikkie sucking mycock and we fucked again. Afterward we lay in bed andtalked. We agreed that what we had was special, rare,and too amazing to resist. We were in love, and itdidn’t matter that we were brother and sister. Wecouldn’t help how we felt, we just knew that it wasright, and if the world didn’t see it that way, thenthere was something terribly wrong with the world.

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A young wife goes out with friends and meets her dream man.

The dream had been so real, for Kay it was like nothingshe call boy mumbai imran service to unsatisfied client had ever experienced before. Kay had dreamed thatshe had made love to a man in a car. That she had actedlike a slut with this man. Stranger still, the man hadbeen black. Kay had a slight headache and norecollection of how she had gotten home. She had beenout with her friend Jolene and made a note to call herlater. Lying there Kay tried to gather her thoughts. Wow, what a dream, the man had really excited her, infact she still felt excited. The man in her dream hadbeen black, that was a first. Sure Kay had wonderedwhat it would have been like to chubby maid dana have sex with a blackman. This dream had been so real, her pussy seemed toache. Undoubtedly it was the fact that her friendJolene had shown up with a new man, who happened to beblack.Kay slipped her hand between her legs and felt herslit. Kay’s vulva was tender to the touch and the driedsperm was evidence of sex. Probing further she foundthe interior of her vagina wet and sticky. Bringing herfingers she sniffed, sure enough cum. Kay’s fingerswere soaked with cum, almost dripping with stringysperm.In the dream she and the man had fucked like animals,it was the only way to describe it. Thinking about itmade Kay flush with heat. The man’s cock had been big,very big, and it had gone in so deep. Kay wished shecould fall asleep again so she could finish the dream.Curt, Kay’s indian aunty romance with stepbro in shower husband was still asleep. Kay had aheadache so she slipped out of bed realizing she hadslept in the nude. She and Curt must have had some timeof it last night. Unusual, but not extraordinary.Walking into the bathroom, Kay could feel the spermoozing out of her. There was so much cum and Kaycouldn’t remember Curt ever cumming like that.Jesus, Kay thought, as she turned on the hot water inthe shower, Curt had been exceptional last night. Tobad Kay couldn’t remember what happened. The waterwarmed and Kay let it pour over her body. Kay foundherself going back over the dream, dam it felt so real.In the dream ravali goswami call dame agency chuubby auntie she was in the front seat of her car andit was parked in the driveway. Dark, it had been hardto see the man’s cock. Kay had been the aggressor, shehad climbed on top of him and guided his big cock intoher wet slit.Kay closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to thedream. Then soaping her pussy she noted the exquisitesoreness. The man in the dream was average height andvery handsome, Kay eye’s still closed, gently rubbedher clit. Kay could almost feel that big black cockstretching her pussy. What had the man in the dreamtold her, something about her being made for blackcock. Yes, her dream man used the 140 cm real silicone enjoy sex doll for masculine word cock didn’t he.Kay felt the first wave of a very strong orgasm coursethrough her body and in response pinched her leftnipple hard. “Dam Kay you didn’t get enough last night.Dam you Curt, you scared the living daylights out ofme.Hey don’t stop, I’ve never seen you do that before.”Curt had been quietly admiring his wife’s body. Kay at5’5″ was a goddess, Curt’s goddess. The first time helaid eye’s on Kay Campbell it had been love. Kay, aGerman girl, was a dirty blonde with striking blue eyesand a perfect a calm family evening turns into super hot 3 way body. Kay’s breasts weren’t large, B-cups, but they were perfectly proportioned, with largebrown areolas and thick dark nipples. Curt was admiringthose nipples and how they stood at attention with theleast provocation. Curt didn’t know what time it waswhen Kay ravished him last night, nor did he care. Kayhad been horny last night, very horny. Maybe it hadbeen booze or just some other guy’s flirting with her,what ever it was he was grateful. Sex the night beforehad been fantastic.Curt had been asleep when Kay had had slipped into bedand climbed on top of him last night. Demanding, Kayhad been incredible and oh so wet. Kay’s pussy wasdripping with excitement. In fact she had been so looseand wet that sex lasted a lot longer than usual. “Sorry, but seriously, didn’t you get enough baby,”Curt said, as he slipped behind Kay in the shower andpressed his swollen dick against the crease of Kay’sass. “Yes I got enough, in fact you made me sore down thereMister.Baby you were fantastic last night, god what ever youdrank make sure you have some more of that. You weresuch a slut.Curt, slut, your wife is a slut! You get a little sexand anal penetrate I’m a slut.” Kay laughed at her husbands remarks. “Kay do you remember last night.” Curt let his handdrift down between Kay’s legs. The small trimmed patchof golden hair dripped with water. “Yes, of course I do.” Kay shuddered as Curt rubbed hisfinger over her wet slit. Her nipples getting hardinstantly. “You remember what you had me do to you.Sure.” Kay lied, she really didn’t have anyrecollection, but decided to bluff. “Sitting on my face like that, what a way to wake up.That was a first and god were you wet.” Curt had spunKay around and was pressing his swollen dick up againsthis wife. “I thought you’d like that, you like eating me out.”Kay was probing, trying to get bits and peaces of theprevious night events. Slowly it was coming back toher. Yes she remembered now, she was holding on to thehead board while straddling her husbands head and shehad felt so naughty, why, suddenly she was thinking ofher dream man. Curt distracted her when he took herthick hard nipple into his mouth.Curt eased her back against the seat in the shower,then kneeling down Curt parted Kay’s legs and beganlicking her clit. “Oh that’s nice, you can do that when ever you wantsweetie,” cried Kay, as Curt worked his tongue deepinto her slit.Kay loved the fact that Curt loved to eat pussy and hewas good at it. Kay first lover a Jewish guy from herhome town in New Jersey, had been very gifted in thecock department, six or seven inches, in any casebigger than Curt. Kay met Robert and they dated theirfreshman and sophomore years in college. Robert aunty attempted anal sex for the very first time that was made feel so painful hadunfortunately been more inexperienced with sex thanCurt.Funny she thought, as Curt brought her near orgasm, howmen compensated for their shortcomings. Kay truly anddeeply loved Curt. At 5’8″ Curt wasn’t the tallest man,but he kept himself in excellent shape and was anardent lover. On the other hand Kay realized she wasn’tthe most experienced lover either. Sure Kay had anumber of suitors in high school and college, but onlytwo lovers.While Kay wished Curt was as well endowed as Robert,Kay realized that a woman couldn’t have everything. Kaypromised to keep that thought to herself, as herhusband buried his tongue deep in her pussy. “Oh Curt that feels so good baby, god I love you.” Kaytruly and deeply loved Curt.Curt kept himself in excellent shape. Curt knew hewasn’t the biggest guy in the penis department, averagesize, but he’d never had a complaint. The way hefigured it, once he got his mouth on a woman they wouldforget all about the big dick thing. Feeling Kay’strembling body only confirmed his way of thinking.Curt felt Kay’s orgasm and her gentle tug on hisshoulders was her sign that she wanted him to fuck hernow. Curt couldn’t believe how horny Kay was acting. Last night had been wild. Curt had never seen Kay likethat and it wasn’t just the way she was acting lastnight. The truth be know, if it had been any otherwoman besides Kay, Curt would have suspectedinfidelity. Kay’s pussy was literally dripping, she wasso wet. As for the smell, Curt had attributed the muskysex smell to Kay dancing. Now as he inserted his dickinto his wife’s well lubricated pussy, he forgot allabout last night. “Cum, cum, cum baby, give me your cum. Fuck me Curt,give me your baby honey.” Kay loved her husband as herapidly pumped his dick in and out of her cunt. Kayfelt him tense and shoot his sperm into her womb.Nothing excited Kay more than the feeling of a man’sdick expanding and contracting in orgasm The feelingnever failed to cause an orgasm in Kay. The couple hadbeen trying to get pregnant for three months. Kayhugged Curt and squeezed his penis with her cuntmuscles hard. Kay wanted every drop of his sperm.CHAPTER 2“Hi what happened to you last night Kay?Jolene I was going to ask you the same thing. Iremember meeting Jerome and by the way you didn’t tellme the new love of your life was black, and that’s it.It’s like the blonde deepthroat trunk step brother and pussy banging after reading lights went out.Really you seemed fine, wild but fine.Jolene what do you mean wild.You don’t remember dancing.No.At first you danced with Jerome and me. You werepretty wild, I even got a little jealous.Oh my god Jolene, I’m sorry. What did I do. Well let’s see besides rubbing up against myboyfriends cock and then kissing Jerome.Your kidding right, oh my god, I didn’t kiss yourboyfriend, oh fuck why don’t I remember. Jolene yournot joking are you?Nope it’s alright though after you met Jerome’s friendyou kind of directed your attention at him, much toJerome’s chagrin. I will say Jerome was pretty hornywhen we got home. So what happened to you and Lamar.Me and Lamar, who is Lamar.Lamar is a friend of Jerome’s or should I say anacquaintance. Any way you don’t remember him, amazing.Girl how could you forget that hunk, He’s only about5’9″, or so, but very athletic and good looking.”Now Kay was wondering if her dream wasn’t real. Kaydecided not to tell Jolene about her dream. “Joleneplease do me a favor, have Jerome call this Lamar guyand find out what happened, please.”Fifteen minute’s later Jolene called back. “Lamar saidhe drove you home and took a cab back to the clubThat’s it, no kissing, no sex, nothing. God that’s arelief. What a nice guy to just take me home likethat.Sorry girl friend, but your black fantasy will have toremain just that, a fantasy.Jolene I don’t have a black fantasy.Really, well to bad, cause you don’t know what yourmissing.So tell me what am I missing?Do you have about three hours?”That night Kay had another dream, again with the blackman. When she woke she attributed the dream to Jolene’srather graphic account of sex with Jerome. The dreamhad left her wet and horny. Kay slipped her hand underthe sheet and started touching Curt’s penis. To bad itwasn’t as big as her dream man’s cock. Kay quicklyclimbed on top of Curt and guided his still hardeni ngdick busty milf maid penny barber lets her boss fuck her juicy pussy for money into her wet pussy. “Good morning Mr. Campbell.”CHAPTER 3When Kay was late for her period she and Curt wereecstatic. The incident with Jolene had transpired morethan two weeks before and Kay hadn’t given it anymorethought. By the time the doctor had confirmed herpregnancy, a month later, the incident at the club wasancient history.The pregnancy went extremely well. Three months intothe pregnancy a sonogram showed Kay was carrying a boy.The couple couldn’t have been happier. Kay quit her joband focused all her attention on being a healthymother. Kay’s daily regime consisted of fixing up thebabies room, eating right and exercise. Curt and Kayattended Lamaze classes, with Curt doting on Kay’severy need. Even the expecting grand parents wereexcited, Kay’s mother Joan, even arranged to come livewith Curt and Kay for the first few weeks.Even sex between the couples had been fabulous. Curtwas taken with Kay’s larger breasts and the fact thather nipples and areola’s had darkened considerably. ForKay everything was perfect except for one naggingmatter. two or three ties a week Kay would experiencethe most erotic dreams.The dreams were always the same. In the dream Kay wouldmake wild and reckless love with an incredibly hungblack man. Upon awaking Kay was usually in the throwsof an orgasm which as time went by she would finish byrubbing her clit vigorously. After awhile and near theend of the pregnancy Kay found herself looking forwardto the dreams.The big day came on a Saturday. Curt had been scheduledto play golf but on a premonition canceled. Thatmorning he drove Kay to the hospital. The couple hadcut it close waiting till contractions were close. Thebaby breached and it was decided the delivery would beby C-section. Kay was on the birthing table less thanthree hours before giving birth to a strapping babyboy.Kay noticed the screwed up look on Curt’s face firstfollowed by the general quite that ensconced the room.Even the doctor who moments before was quite talkativewas at a loss for words. “What’s wrong is the baby okay.” Kay started to panicwhen Curt with out a word walked out of the room. “The baby is fine Kay, calm down,” the doctor said, ashe handed the baby to the nurse for cleaning. the babywas swathed in a blanket and was wailing. When thenurse finally gave the baby to Ai Kousaki With Bee Stings And Pigtails Is Fucked In Hairy Crac Kay, she couldn’tcomprehend what she saw. The baby boy was dark skinned,coffee colored, with thick curly brown hair.The disbelief gave way denial. Kay simply refused tobelieve that the baby was hers. When Kay’s mother foundout what had happened Joan suffered a sever panicattack which resulted in her having to be admitted andsedated. Kay was left alone to work things out in hermind. The incident with Jolene was the onlyexplanation.Late that night after the shift change a large matronlyblack nurse walked into Kay’s room with the baby. “Please leave and take the baby with you.Listen sugar I am doing no such thing. I don’t knowwhat happened here and I don’t care and neater doesthis little man. Now he don’t know about color. Heneeds his mama and last time I looked you were his.Look how beautiful this baby is and healthy too. Girllook at him, he’s yours, your flesh and bd and he’sbeautiful.You don’t understand, I can’t.Look just hold him for a second, I need to getsomething and I’ll be right back.” The nurse handed thebaby to Kay and left the room. A few minutes later thenurse peeked in on mother and son. Kay was inspectingthe baby’s toes. The nurse smiled and returned to herpost. She would wait an hour and then return. Lookingat Kay’s chart she noted Kay wanted to breast feed.That would be next.By the next morning Kay was already on her thirdfeeding. Kay named the cd after much soul searching.Kay and Curt had originally planned to name the cdCurtis, but that was out of the question now. So Kaynamed the baby Peter after her deceased grandfather.Kay’s mother had calmed down considerably and withmedication had been released from further hospitalcare.Kay could only guess what had happened, evidently thatnight with Jolene she had had unprotected sex withJerome’s friend Lamar or somebody. After explainingthis to her mother she was somewhat mollified. Asimplausible as the story seemed Joan Loved Kay and hadno reason not to believe Kay. That afternoon with hermother’s help, Kay was discharged and took a cab home.Curt on the other hand, was another story. Kay calledCurt several times before her arrival but he wasn’tanswering the phone. At home they found some of Curt’sclothing gone and no note. Kay tried Curt’s parents’house, but received an incredibly cold reception byCurt’s mother and instructions Alina Ali Spying My New Ebony Step Sister not to call again. Kaywas devastated.Late the next day Jolene came by to see Kay and thebaby. Kay’s mother Joan was less than happy. Joan hadnever liked Jolene and had often told Kay not to hangaround with the tramp. In high school Jolene had had abit of a reputation, even though it was unwarranted.Joan wasn’t surprised when Jolene married Jerome fivemonths before. Joan had bumped into Jolene at the storeand could tell Jolene was pretty far along and had toget married.Joan let Jolene into the house without so much as ahello and a very nasty look. Jolene had arrived withher black baby boy of two months in tow. “How are you honey.Well Jolene what do you think, my husband is gone, mymother hardly talks to me, my father forget it, I’m notsure who the father is, I can barely walk, did I leaveanything out.I know, I wish I would have know. I just didn’t see itcoming.Who ever it was must of slipped me some kind of dg.Do you know were I can find that guy Lamar. What’s hislast name?You know Kay you were acting funny, even before thatguy showed up.” The inflection in Jolene voice seemedto suggest that Kay was partially responsible. “Jolene what are you saying that I did this to myself.No, not at all, it’s just that you were like coming onto every thing with pants on that night, long beforeyou met up with that guy.Jolene it had to be him, who else would have donesomething like that.”Jolene averted her eyes for a moment. How could shetell Kay, one of her dearest friends, that all of thiswas her man’s fault. Jerome though he could get bothwomen into bed at one time, so he slipped Kay acombination of x and roof. To make matters worse Jolenehad gone along with the scheme. What could she say toKay now, she was in love with Jerome and would doanything for him. Plus Jolene had always harbored deepfeelings for Kay and had been afraid that revealingthose feelings to Kay would end the friendship. Thelast thing she needed now was Kay stirring things up. “Kay if I thought it was that guy Lamar Amateur Chinese Fetish Slut Fuck In The Public 2 Porn that ddyou, I’d be the first person to string him up by hisballs, but it wasn’t him. You were acting real crazylong before he showed up. Maybe it was some one else,but I doubt you’ll ever find out who it was. Probablysome stranger who thought he’d get you alone later. Youdid dance with a lot of other guy’s.Jesus what a fucking mess, Curt won’t even take mycalls. What was that guy’s last name and do you knowwere I can find him.You mean Lamar, I think his last name is Dubois.According to Jerome he moved down to Miami. Why, youdon’t intend to call him do you Kay. Why would you dothat?Jolene honestly I don’t know what to do. The guy isthe father, at least I think he is. Don’t you thinkhe’d want to know.” Pete started crying. Kay picked himup, unbutton her blouse and gave the hungry little boya thick dark nipple.Jolene wanted to suck on that nipple too, her pussydamp, as she watched Pete feed. “So Kay is little Petehung.Your incorrigible you know that Jolene.” Kay looked upat Jolene and smiled. “I hate to brag Jo, you knowthat, but he is a little man.”CHAPTER 4For the longest while Jolene was the only person thatKay saw besides her mother after returning home fromthe hospital. Kay thought it was cruel how all heracquaintances had deserted her. Jolene had warned herabout that.Almost three weeks passed, before Curt called. Kay’smother had returned to New York a few days earlier andKay was very depressed. Kay became excited when Curtsaid he wanted to come by and pick up some things. Kayfixed herself up in preparation for Curt’s visit. Kaytook a warm bath, shaving her legs. The C-section hadleft her hairless and now short nubs were protruding soshe decided to shave her pussy clean again. Curt wouldlike that.Kay put on a form fitted blouse that was tight due toher milk swollen breasts. Kay noted that her enlargednipples were very prominent through her old bra andpromised herself she would go out and buy new ones.then she put on some shorts that accented her legs.Curt said very few words when he entered the house.Moving into the bedroom he rapidly started packing somecloths. Curt had tried not to look at Kay, but justseeing her made his prick hard. Between the pregnancyand the two weeks he’d been away Curt was reallygetting horny.Damn why did this happen, he had been humiliated. Curthad gotten the story from Kay in a long letter she hadwritten. Truthfully, Curt AMATEUR EURO Melanie S. Shy Newbie Wife Got Pussy Licked And Fucked By Horny Hubby believed her, but wouldanyone else. That was the problem, facing his friendsand his family was humiliating. Yet seeing Kay againwas testing his resolve, dam he loved her, but Curttold himself leaving her was for the best. “So is this it Curt?I guess so Kay.Curt how can you blame me? Some one dd me orsomething, I thought it was your baby.Kay you put yourself in this situation when you wentout with that slut Jolene. What did you think was goingto happen. She lives with a black guy, has his baby.Hell she probably convinced you to try one of hisfriends. Curt I never thought I’d hear you talk like that.Jolene is my only friend, Curt, please listen to me. Idon’t know what happened that night. I’ve never beenunfaithful, never, I love you with all my heart. If Ihad fucked some guy I would have told you.” Kay wassobbing now and she walked up to Curt and wrapped herarms around him.Curt could feel Kay’s body tremble with each breath.Kay’s breast’s seemed so much larger and so warm. Kay’sface was buried against his shoulder and he could feelher hot breath on his neck. Involuntarily Curt wrappedhis arms around Kay to comfort her. “Dam Kay you have a black baby, everyone will alwaysknow. If it really happened like you say give the babyup for adoption.Oh Curt it’s not that easy. You don’t understand, fornine months I carried that baby, I thought it was ourbaby. I tried not to, but I love Pete I can’t help it,I could never let him go now. Please don’t you see.”Kay’s was hysterical as she tried to explain.Curt tried to stay the path, but looking into Kay’seyes his resolve vanished. “Don’t cry Kay, calm down.Maybe we can work things out.You mean that Curt, oh please tell me you understand.I didn’t do this to hurt you, your my life.Look I can’t make any promises, not yet.” Looking intoKay’s eye’s Curt slowly and deliberately kissed Kay.Her mouth was soft and inviting as he savored herfamiliar taste. The kiss set the couple off likegasoline in an Arizona forest. Eight weeks without sexhad left Curt rock hard and Kay wet with desire.Kay slipped her hands down to Curt’s pant’s quicklyundoing them. Reaching into his jockey shorts shegrasped his hard penis and began stroking it. Withoutbeing asked Kay dropped to her knees and took herhusbands dick into her mouth. Kay wanted to show Curthow much she loved him, how much she needed him. Kay’scunt was gushing, she wanted his penis so bad it hurt.Cupping his balls with one hand, she placed her otherhand on his rump and enveloped his dick with her mouth.Looking down on his wife’s blond hair, Curt placed bothhis hands behind her head and began fucking Kay’smouth. God Kay was wild, Curt had never seen her likethis. Kay was never big on oral sex and he foundhimself wondering if she had sucked off her blacklover. The vision of his wife sucking a black cocksuddenly filled Curt’s head and almost immediately hefelt the urge to cum. “Fuck yeah, oh yes I’m gonna cum Kay.”Kay was surprised, she had just started sucking onCurt’s penis and already he was about to ejaculate.Normally this was her cue to stop sucking and spreadher legs. Maybe it was the fact that she wanted so toplease Curt. Maybe it was going the last eight weekswithout Amateur Gfriend Slammed sex, what ever the reason Kay decided to keepsucking. Squeezing Curt’s dick hard she pumped it withone hand and cupped his balls with the other. For Curt,his imagination and Kay’s sucking were too much. “Oh god I’m cumming Kay.” Curt fully expected Kay tostop sucking and was stunned when his first jets of hotcum pumped into his wife’s mouth. Curt closed his eyesas his body convulsed in orgasm.Kay looked up at Curt as he came in her mouth. The lookon Curt’s face said it all, he was in heaven. For herpart Kay had always thought she would be grossed out bya man’s cum. Now as she swallowed her husband’s spermshe found it very exciting. In fact Kay noticed she wason the verge of cumming herself. As she licked theremaining drops from Curt’s dick she looked up at himforapproval. Curt merely stared down at her with a look ofbewilderment. “What’s wrong Curt didn’t you like it?”Curt didn’t know how to respond. Sure he liked it, butnow he was worried that his wife had learned this newsex act from some one else. Just then the baby criedout sparing Curt the dilemma of answering. “Honey why don’t you go to the room and get in bed,I’ll just be a minute, Peter’s probably hungry.”Curt stood there a moment and then picked up his pants.His shriveled dick glistened with Kay’s saliva and hiscum. Curt could hear Kay’s cooing and decide to look inon her. Kay was in the room they planned for the baby,sitting in a chair next to the crib. Kay was soengrossed in the feeding she didn’t notice Curt at thedoor.Kay lifted her t-shirt and unfastened her bra with onehand. Then holding her breast she guided her darkprotruding nipple into the baby’s mouth. For only thesecond time Curt got a good look at the cd. Thebaby’s hair was a light brown but very curly and thecd’s skin a dark carmel color. Curt turned andwalked out of the house without a word.Kay heard the door and knew immediately that Curt hadleft. With the baby still attached to her nipple, Kayhurried to the front door. Curt was closing the trunkas Kay walked up. “Curt are you leaving.Jesus Kay the neighbors might see.” Curt tried to movepast Kay to the driver’s door. Kay stepped sidewaysblocking his way. “Curt why are you leaving.Look Kay I don’t want to make a scene. For heavensakes cover yourself up and go inside.No one can see anything and so what if they did.Answer my question Curt.” Curt had managed to slip passKay and was opening the door.Pausing at the door Curt answered, “Kay I can’t handlethis, you with this black baby. How can we go anywhere, do anything. People will always know.Know what Curt. I wasn’t unfaithful Curt. I wasdd or something.Then prove it, give the baby up.Please Curt don’t make me choose, I love you so much.Please I’m begging you don’t go.”Curt closed the door and started the car. Looking atKay through the window he almost stayed. Kay wascrying, her chest was heaving. then he saw the contrastof the baby’s face against his mother’s breast. Curtplaced the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway.Kay took the baby inside and laid him in his crib. Kaychecked the frig to make sure she had expressed enoughmilk for Peter’s next feeding, then walked to thepantry and pulled out a bottle of vodka. Kay hadn’t hada drink in ten months, she needed one now.CHAPTER 5Jerome White was no hoodlum, to the contrary he was ahard working man who took care of his family. At thesame time, being faithful to his spouse Amateur Lesbians Tasting was not one ofhis virtues. Jolene was at work and with him betweenjobs he jumped at the chance to see Kay. Now as he wasdriving over to Kay’s house to deliver an infantcarrier he reflected on ways to seduce Kay.Kay was a fine piece. Jerome could kick himself in theass for not getting her out of the club before Lamarlaid eyes on her. Almost Jerome thought, but that wasthe way it had always been with Lamar. Even in highschool Lamar ended up with all the girls, especiallythe white ones. Pulling into the drive way Jeromeadjusted his manhood, his cock was hard just thinkingabout the woman.Kay was half way through her third double vodka on therocks when the doorbell rang. Getting up she stumbledand nearly spilled her drink on the way to the door.Kay didn’t appreciate the full strength of the drinksshe had made for herself. Peeking through the sidewindow she saw Jerome standing in front of the doorwith the infant carrier Jolene had promised. Kay pulledher blouse smooth and tried to make herselfpresentable, then opened the door. “Hi Jerome were is Jolene.Her mother had to go to the doctor’s and she neededJolene to take her.” Jerome spied the drink in Kay’shand. Jerome stared at Kay’s nipples which were darkprotrusions clearly showing through her old t-shirt. “Well come in, come in.” Kay was tipsy and tried to actnatural. Kay noticed Jerome staring and wished she hadput her bra on after feeding the baby. Jerome walked inand placed the infant carrier on the table. “You going to offer me a drink?Oh Jerome I’m sorry, would you like one. I don’tusually drink, but Curt just left and well I neededone.”Jerome followed Kay into the kitchen. Dam what a fineass the woman had. Kay’s tits and nipples were justabout perfect Jerome reflected as he followed. Kayretrieved a glass and was doing a bad job of filling itwith ice when Jerome took the glass from her. “Here let me get that sugar. Give me your glass I’llfill that while I’m at it. So you and Curt are still onthe skids I take.Yes he’s still very angry, he just can’t handle thebaby.”Jerome handed Kay her glass. “Wow Jerome you reallyfilled this up,” Kay said as she spilled a littlevodka. “Kay I want you to tell me everything he said.” Jeromethen took her hand and led Kay into the living room.Jerome sat next to Kay as she tearfully explained whathappened. Jerome pretended to be the good listener allthe while assessing when the best moment to make hismove. “Jerome I have to admit I never thought of you as beingso nice, so understanding. Thank you for putting upwith me,” Kay slurred as she rubbed her eyes. Jeromeremoved the empty glass from her hand. “Hey don’t you cry no more girl. That man don’t knowwhat he has in you. Hell any man would be a fool not towant you. Look at me now, you are a beautiful and sexywoman.” Jerome lifted Kay’s chin so that she was gazinginto his eyes, there lips inches apart.Alarm bells went off in Kay’s head but her body seemedparalyzed as Jerome kissed her. Jerome’s tongue dartedinto her mouth searching, probing. Kay closed her eyesand kissed him back. Part of Kay was conflicted withthe fact she was kissing her best friends husband. Partof the conflict was in trying to remain faithful toCurt. The liquor and her state of mind rationalizedthose two issue away.First, it had been a long time since she had felt thetouch of a man and wasn’t Jolene always telling her howgood black men were in bed. “Oh Kay black lovers arethe best. Once you go black. Black cocks are so thick,so big. black men are superior lovers in everyway.” Nothis was as much Jolene’s fault as anyone’s.Then there was Curt. According to Curt she was a slut.What was it he said, “Kay there’s not even a mark onyou, you didn’t fight, you wanted it.” Now she did wantit and with that revelation she reached down andgrasped Jerome’s cock.Jerome’s cock felt thick and heavy as Kay’s fingersclosed around it. Instantly Kay felt herself becomingaroused. Jerome’s thick lips covered her mouth, histongue darting, hungry. Jerome’s hands were busy too.Quickly they had slipped under her t-shirt to massageher milk filled tits. Kay’s nipples tingled as Jeromesqueezed them, producing small droplets of milk.Jerome’s cock strained in his pants as he broke thekiss. “Dam girl lets take this to the bedroom.” TakingKay by the hand he led her back to the master bedroom. “Jerome this isn’t a very good idea, Jolene is myfriend.” Kay said, slurring her words, as she stoppedshort after entering the bedroom. Taking her handJerome placed it on his cock. “Girl you know you’ve been wanting some black cock.Look how hard you got me. Your old man fucked up, henot here and you need a man. Now tell me you want me toleave.” Jerome pulled her close and kissed her again ashe felt Kay squeeze his cock.This time there was no resistance. Kay’s hand wasfilled with hard black cock and she wanted to feel itinside her. In moments she had unfastened Jerome’spants. Jerome was been busy too pulling Kay’s t-shirtoff exposing her milk filled tits. Falling into the bedJerome wasted little time pulling down Kay’s panties.Kay’s pussy was extremely wet as Jerome roughlymassaged her slit. Then with little foreplay Jeromeclimbed on top of Kay. Kay Amateur Teen Anal Creampie And Gives Old Man Blowjob Latina/ felt for and took hold ofJerome’s cock with her hand. Kay looking down got agood look at Jerome’s cock as she guided his fat cockinto position. Jerome extended his arms in the push upposition. Jerome never tired of looking at the contrastof color between his black cock and a white woman’scunt. “Look at my black cock baby, this is what you weremeant for girl, not some skinny-dicked whitie.”Kay felt Jerome’s cock head begin to penetrate herpussy as Jerome tantalizingly teased her with shorthard thrust. Jerome’s cock was a longer than Curt’s,maybe an inch and a half, but it was much thicker. Kaycould feel her cunt lips stretch as Jerome’s cockpushed deeper into her pussy. A twinge of pain joltedKay causing her to whimper. “Sorry about that I’ll go slow.” Jerome was relishingthis fuck. He’d been wanting to fuck Kay since themoment he laid eyes on her. Kay on the other hand hadalways put him off like he was nonexistent. In factBefore Jolene got pregnant, Kay was constantly tryingto set Jolene up with Curt’s friends. Now he was goingto show Kay what it meant to fuck a real man.Slowly Kay grew accustom to Jerome’s cock. Kay wasalready in the throws of an orgasm. It had been atleast three months since she last had sex and she washorny. Now watching herself fuck this big black cockwas making her crazy. Grabbing her tits hard she beganto squeeze them as her body convulsed with a powerfulorgasm. “Oh yeah baby squeeze those tit’s harder, your cummingaren’t you. Your cumming on that big black cock. Tellme.”Curt never spoke to Kay like that. In fact no one everhad and it turned her on. Kay pinched her own nipplescausing droplets of milk to ooze out and over herfingers. “Oh yeah I like that, keep doing that. Now tell me likeI asked, do you like this big black cock.Yes I like it.Like what girl’ what do you like.” Jerome liked havinghis women compliment him, it turned him on to hear it.. “I like your cock.” Kay’s eyes were locked on Jerome’scock as he piston in and out of her slit. Kay’s voiceseemed to belong to another person, as she became moreexcited. Kay could hardly believe she was talking likethis, yet with each stroke she became bolder. “I like your big cock, it feels so good. God I neededthis. Oh god fuck me, yes.”Jerome stopped pumping, then slowly withdrew his cockuntil just the tip of his cock head was penetratingKay’s slit. Kay was vigorously rocking her hips,lifting her ass high off the bed in response to histeasing. “You want this nigger cock don’t you.Jerome stop teasing.This pussy belongs to me don’t it?”Kay getting caught up in the moment quickly answered. “Yes this pussy belongs to you.” Kay didn’t mean it forone second. Sure she was getting off on Jerome fuckingher, but there was nothing more. Kay really didn’t likeJerome as a person and that hadn’t changed. At the sametime it was hard to deny that Jerome was asignificantly better lover than her husband.Jerome plunged his cock deep into Kay’s cunt, satisfiedthat his conquest of the beautiful blonde was complete.Now as he slammed his cock in and out of Kay, the loudslapping sound of there bodies filled the room. Kaylifted her legs high in the air, as her hand clawed atJerome ass. “I’m going to cum baby you ready for my nigger seed,you want this nigger cum in you, tell me baby, tell meyou want it.Yes fuck yes fill me with your nigger cum, fuck meharder, harder. Now cum, cum baby cum, fill me withyour cum. Cum Jerome cum.”Almost before she said it Kay was shocked by her mouth,but was to far into an orgasm to stop. When she feltJerome’s ass tighten it sent her over the edge. Kaycould feel Jerome’s cock expand and contract with eachjet of hot cum he sent deep into her womb. For Kay itwas the best orgasm she had ever experienced. Kaypulled at Jerome’s ass as she willed his fat cockdeeper, his cum deeper.Jerome collapsed on top of Kay breathing hard his cockimbedded in Kay’s pussy, which was also contracting asshe milked his cock. They both laid there for sometimebefore Kay complained she couldn’t breath and Jeromerolled off of her.As the afterglow of the best orgasm she ever had woreoff, Kay began to feel guilty, mostly about Jolene.Fucking like that had sobered her up. Without saying aword Kay got up grabbed her t-shirt and went to therest room. Almost immediately she felt Jerome’s cumoozing from her slit. Wiping herself she washed herface Arabian MILF And Teen Share Rock Solid Cock With Pleasure</a and tried to sober up.Kay didn’t want Jerome to get to comfortable. Sure thesex had been good, actually it had been great, but Kaycouldn’t get herself to change her feelings for Jerome.Besides, soon it would be time to feed the baby.Walking back into the room Kay was stunned to seeJerome flat on his back obscenely stroking his blackcock. “Cat got your tongue baby, quit gawking and come hereand suck this big black cock.Jerome you need to go, I’ve got to feed Pete.Come here Kay.” Kay reluctantly walked next to thebed. Jerome was lazily stroking his cock. In the rushto get naked and fuck, Kay hadn’t really got a goodlook at Jerome’s cock. Now she couldn’t seem to takeher eyes off of it as she tried to persuade Jerome toleave. “Jerome.”Jerome extended his left hand and slid it up betweenKay’s legs, his finger sliding into her wet sliteffortlessly. Kay immediately moved away. “Jerome please,” Kay said, but not too persuasively.Jerome gave her his best smile. “Come on Kay, look how hard you got me and that pussyof yours is so wet baby.”Kay looked at Jerome’s cock, black and heavily veined.Impulsively she walked back closer to the bed. Onceagain Jerome slid his free hand between Kay’s legs. “Oh yeah look how wet you are girl, now come on and getin this bed.” Kay involuntarily spread her legs.Jerome’s easily slipped two fingers into her cum soakedcunt. “Alright Jerome, but after this you got to leave.” Kayheaved her breath raged suddenly. Kay pulled off the t-shirt and climbed into bed. Then with out directionplaced her head on Jerome’s stomach and took overstroking his cock. Staring at Jerome’s cock she notedthat it was indeed longer than Curt’s, but it was somuch thicker and harder too.Jerome’s cock head was inches away from her face as shesqueezed his cock eliciting pre-cum from the slit, thenlike a dutiful slut she licked the bulging drop.Relishing the taste, Kay found herself thinking howearlier Curt had cum in her mouth. Now she was tastinga black mans cum and the thought of it made her squeezeher legs together. “Oh that’s good girl, lick it like that. Mmmm oh yeahkeep swirling that tongue like that. Shit I didn’t knowyou could suck cock like that.”Kay moved down so that as she stroked Jerome’s cock shecould look up at him. Jerome’s eye’s locked on hers andcontinued uttering obscenities. Kay pumped on Jerome’scock for sometime. Kay’s let her saliva run down thelength of his cock, every now and then stopping tocatch her breath. When ever she stopped she would startagain by gently licking Jerome’s cock head. “Oh baby you are one fine cock sucker, suck it harder.”Suddenly Kay found herself on the verge of cumming.Closing her mouth around Jerome’s cock head she begansucking and stroking harder. Jerome’s cock began toexpand and she squeezed his cock harder. Working hermouth around the black cock head Kay found herselfreally getting off on pleasing Jerome. “Fuck, oh fuck, swallow it baby, shit god dam,” Jeromebellowed as his cock exploded in Kay’s mouth. At thesame moment Kay too began to cum as she tasted Jerome’shot sperm flood her mouth. Kay swallowed Jerome’s thickcum with gusto as she squeezed and sucked on his cock.For the second time that day she had had a man cum inher mouth and it made her feel slutty and good at thesame time. At the same time Kay couldn’t help butnotice that Jerome seemed to cum quite a lot more thanCurt. Kay wanted to please Jerome and looking up atJerome was all the evidence Kay needed to know she haddone a fantastic job. Jerome’s eyes were closed and thesmile on his face spoke of contentment. “You like that.Fuck yeah, that was mother fucking fantastic baby. Nowget up here.” Jerome placed his hands under Kay’s armsand easily lifted her on top of him. Then he surprisedKay with a long tongue kiss, it was while they werekissing that Kay received another surprise. Jerome’scock head while somewhat flaccid was pressing upagainst her slit and with a gentle thrust Jerome pushedinto her wet pussy. “God Jerome, you mean you haven’t had enough.Have you?After this you have to go okay.Sure what ever you say Kay,” Jerome said with a grin.CHAPTER 6Curt drove down to the beach, parked his car and wentwalking. Curt always went to the beach when he had toclear his head. Curt hadn’t gone far when he noticed aninterracial couple walking on the beach with theircd. At first glance the blonde looked a little likeKay, the man was tall and thin, but well muscled. Thecouple seemed so happy, the cd frolicking at theedge of the water. Neither the man or the woman seemedto notice Curt as he passed by.Walking on Curt wondered what would happen to Kay.Would Kay’s lover return to reclaim her and his son.Abandoning Kay would make it easy for him wouldn’t it.What if Kay fell in love with the father of her cd,then Curt would never see her again.One of Curt’s co-workers had suggested that he shouldbe glad to be rid of Kay. Jimmy the co-worker, was aGeorgia cracker through and through had told Curt thatonce a white woman got a taste of nigger cock she was“ruinent”. Curt didn’t know what to believe, for surehe didn’t put much stock in anything redneck Jimmysaid. The reality for Curt was that with each passingday Curt found it harder to live without Kay. Today hehad come so close to accepting the situation, if onlyhe could put his pride away.Curt walked on for some time before turning back, hisdecision made. Dam the consequences, he wanted Kay backand would do what ever it would take to get her back.On the way back to the car with the sun going downthere were few people on the beach. Curt noticed thatthe interracial couple were laying on a blanket. Theircd was asleep and they were kissing.It was only when Curt got close did he realize that thewoman’s top had been pushed aside. The black man wasrolling her nipple between his fingers. The contrast oftheir skins was very erotic. The woman’s hand wasburied in the guy’s shorts and both lovers wereoblivious to Curt. Curt slowed his pace to watch, hisdick getting hard. Then the woman looked at him. Curtturned beat red having been caught in the act ofstaring, but the woman could have cared less andreturned to kissing her Amber Fucking Genshin Impact man. By the time Curt returnedto the car he had a raging hard on.Curt started the car and drove home. Hopefully Kaywouldn’t be understanding about what had happenedearlier.After Jerome left Kay had fed and changed Pete. Jeromehad surprised Kay with his stamina. Kay had enjoyed thesex, and found herself wondering if Jolene hadn’t beenright about the black man myth. Putting her thoughtsaside as crazy, Kay exhausted crawled into bed and wentto sleep.Curt entered the house through the garage and calledKay’s name out. No one answered so when Curt heard theTV he went back towards the bedroom. Pete was asleep inthe crib next to the bed and Kay was lying on herstomach spread eagle. Getting closer Curt admired hiswife. Kay’s t-shirt had ridden up exposing her bare assand her exquisite pussy.Kay’s pussy looked so inviting, it was puffy and red,the slit looked wet. Curt wondered if this was do tothe recent cd birth. In the low light Curt didn’tnotice Jerome’s cum oozing out of Kay’s cunt. Curttouched Kay on the shoulder and gently woke her. “Kay I’m so sorry, I was wrong to ask you to give upyour son. I was wrong not to believe you.”Kay didn’t respond, still half awake she was stilltrying to take in the situation when Curt leaned overand kissed her. Curt’s hands were roaming and she couldtell he was very excited almost agitated. Braking thekiss Curt sat up and began removing his cloths. Kayknew immediately what Curt wanted and she was angry andapprehensive at the same time.One part of her was furious with Curt for thinking hecould have her when ever he wanted. At the same timeKay was frightened because less then two hours beforeanother man had repeatedly cum in her and the evidencewas still dripping from her. Curt had pulled off hisshirt and was in the process of pulling down his jockeyshorts when Kay exploded. “Curt you can’t come here and do this to me. You mademe feel like a whore. I go down on you and you AMAZING MELAYU MALAYSIA BURIT leaveme. How could you?”Curt stripped nude and sat down on the bed next to Kay. “Kay I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so sorryplease forgive me.” Curt’s eyes were pleading his case,and his puppy dog look was always a weakness for Kay,her anger ebbed. Curt placed his hand on her nakedthigh and began gently rubbing it. “Curt I don’t know if this will ever work. Can you everaccept what happened, can you ever accept Pete.Yes, yes I can Kay. I love you Kay I don’t care whathappened, or how it happened. I love you and need you,no matter what you did.” Curt’s eye’s were watering andhe buried his face in Kay’s neck smothering her withkisses, his hand moving swiftly between her legs beforeshe could protest. “You still don’t believe me do you Curt. You don’tbelieve I was dd do you. You think I’m just aslut.” Kay couldn’t believe the conversation. Curtstill didn’t believe her, yet there he was fingeringher cum filled pussy. Apparently all that mattered toCurt was fucking her.Noting the sarcasm and hurt in Kay’s voice, Curt triedto console her. “No Kay I didn’t mean that. I mean thateven if you had let him make love to you it wouldn’tchange the way I feel. Does that make sense. I mean Ilove you Kay no matter what.” Curt never stoppednuzzling Kay, as he worked a second finger into hersaturated pussy.Trying to hurt Curt, Kay lashed out. “Really, you’dforgive me, you sure, even if I let him fuck me withhis big black cock.”Curt stopped kissing Kay for a moment, surprised atKay’s tone and the words she’d used. Had Kay let theguy fuck her, did he have a big black cock. Curt’s mindraced with the possibilities and his dick wasunexplainably hard. “How about if I let him fuck me afterwards, after thatnight, would you still forgive me Curt. How about if hefucked me just now, just before you got here? What ifI’d been fucking my black lover all along. Still lovema then.You fucked him after that night.Answer me Curt, would you still forgive me.”Curt was confused, had Kay fucked afterwards, had shejust fucked him. What kind of game was she playing. Ithad to be a game. The way she was using profanity Curtknew she was angry. Trying to appease Kay only made herangrier, but Curt didn’t know that, or for that Among The Blankets Fucked. Homemade Amateur Spycam With My Voyeur Gf matterhow to answer her. “Yes Kay, dam it I said yes.” Curt was clearlybewildered by Kay’s behavior and language. “Good enough Curt,” Kay answered sarcastically. Thenpushing Curt off of her, Kay sat up and pulled off hert-shirt. Kay’s tits were so much larger than before thebaby and Curt could only lick his lips as he gazed onKay’s swollen nipples. If Curt had looked closer hewould have noticed the small bite marks Jerome had lefton his wife’s thick nipples. Lying back down Kay lookedat Curt who just continued staring at her nude body.Curt could hardly move and his hands were shaking.Obscenely spreading her legs Kay beckoned. “What are you waiting for Curt, this is what you wantedisn’t it. Come on. Come here and kiss me.” Curtthinking everything was okay immediately took off hiscloths as he continued staring at his nude wife. Kay’spussy was shaved clean and her cunt lips looked red andswollen. Curt assumed the changes were do to the recentc-section. Curt didn’t know he was only partiallyright.As Curt stared Kay purposely let her hand slip betweenher legs, so that her finger could gently rub her clit.Kay didn’t really know why she was doing this, it wascompletely out of character for her. At first sheguessed it was to shock Curt, but as she saw it’seffect on Curt it excited her. Kay for the first timefelt as if she were in total control and she liked thefeeling.Curt climbed on top of the bed and tried to assume themissionary position with Kay, but Kay didn’t want tofuck yet. All the sperm Jerome had deposited in Kay’spussy was ample lubrication and Kay was certainly inthe mood, but she wanted more. Curt tried to kiss herbut she turned her face as she had a nasty thought. “Slow down Curt, kiss me first.” Then placing her handson his shoulders she pushed down. Curt left a trail ofkisses down her neck until his hungry mouth latched onto her swollen nipple. Kay was content to let him suckfor awhile, but then she nudged him again. Curt hadalways been eager to eat Kay’s pussy before they madelove. Now with a wicked thought, Kay became excited bythe prospect of Curt eating her cum filled pussy. Curtwith little prodding slipped down so that his mouthcovered Kay’s pubic mound.Curt immediately smelled the strong scent of Kay’s cuntand it caused Curt to dry hump the bed with excitement.First he gently licked her clit, then he moved hismouth further down so that he could bury his tongue inher slit. “Oh that’s right lick my pussy. You like licking mypussy don’t you Curt.” Curt moaned his tongue workingharder in response to Kay’s question. Kay angry stillpushed Curt further, as she noted his increasingarousal. “Would you still lick my pussy if I just fucked myblack lover Curt?” Curt was so turned on the questioncaught him off guard. Momentarily Curt thought of thecouple on the beach, then suddenly it wasn’t the girlfrom the beach but his wife in the arms of the blackman. Curt groaned as he strained to bury his tonguedeeper into his hot wife’s slit. Then with his thumb hestarted fucking Kay’s saturated cunt. “Oh that’s right, ohh yes lick me deeper, lick my pussydeeper, ohhh that answers that question. Lick it baby,yes.”Kay couldn’t believe how excited it made her feel touse Curt in this fashion. In their Andhra Amalapuram Aunty Fucking relationship itseemed that Curt’s needs had always been the priority.Now for the first time that had changed as Kayshuttered with an orgasm. Now Curt was sucking on herclit and the pleasure was making Kay shake.Curt looked up at Kay’s face as he sucked on her clit.Kay’s eyes were closed and Curt knew she was in thethrows of cumming. Kay had never talked to him likethis and all the talk about fucking some one else hadbeen very much a turn on for him. Curt didn’t believefor a second that Kay had just fucked her black lover.There had hardly been time, besides he thought shewould never have admitted it. Yet Curt had found theperverse conversation very exciting. Releasing her clitCurt moved up and placed his dick head at Kay’s gappingslit, but Curt was so excited he came immediately onher slit.Kay wasn’t disappointed merely surprised at howprematurely Curt had cum. In all their years togethernothing like this had ever happened. Kay reached downand grabbed Curt shriveling dick, her hand using hissperm to stroke it. “Wow it’s been so long and the way you were talking.Dam Kay I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.Don’t worry honey it’s okay,” Kay said as she squeezedthe remaining drops of sperm from Curt’s penis, at thesame time noting how fast it had become small. “I never heard you talk like that it was like very, Idon’t know, exciting.Curt are you going to run off again, if so get yourthings and get out.” Kay felt strange talking to Curtthis way especially since she was still stroking hisdick.Curt became solemn. “Kay what I did before was wrong ,I promise it will never happen again. I love you Kaymore than anything.Your never going to ask me to give up my son, becauseif you do Curt we’re through you understand.Never, I don’t know why I ever suggested it.”Over the course of the next month Curt, Kay and Petebecame a family. Curt took to Peter like he was hisown. The couple got along fabulously and their sex lifewas the best ever. Curt noticed that Kay seemed to bemore demanding, although not as vocal as the time whenthey had first gotten back together. Curt secretlythought about it all the time and now when ever theymade love Curt found himself more and more, fantasizingthat Kay indeed had a lover, a black lover. What Curtdidn’t know was that Kay was fantasying too, about herdream man.CHAPTER 7Jolene dried her long brown hair carefully, as shelooked into the bathroom mirror. Jolene had hermother’s Latin looks, brown eye’s, golden browncomplexion, and full lips. Jolene’s father had providedthe long legs and a sprinkling of freckles. Jolene’sbreasts were b-cup at best. Jolene’s nipples werelarge, thick, and dark brown, which make up for hersmallish tit size according to Jerome.Jolene stood there wondering why Kay hadn’t returnedher calls, it had been weeks since they had spoken.Jolene figured that Anh Trai Body Cc Nng it was Kay’s’ getting back togetherwith Curt that had cooled the friendship. Jolene heardthe door and slipped on a t-shirt, Jerome was homeearly and had called to say he had a surprise.Jolene walked into the living room of their smallapartment to find Jerome and a friend standing in theliving room. “Oops, sorry let me go put on some shorts.” then thefriend turned around and Jolene could hardly breath. “Not on my account Jo, long time no see.Hands off Lamar, she belongs to me man, Jolene and Igot married.”Jolene froze in her tracks, it had been little morethan a year since she last saw Lamar. “Hey baby you remember Lamar, go run and put on someshorts. Lamar just got into town. Hey babe is therebeer.”Jolene started to tremble as she made her way back tothe bedroom. Jolene hadn’t seen Lamar since just afterthe episode with Kay, but the episode with Kay wasn’tthe problem. Two days after the incident with Kay,Lamar had shown up at her apartment after meeting herat the club that night with Jerome and Kay. Jolene hadjust started dating Jerome and was single then, livingalone. How Lamar had gotten her address was a mystery.Lamar was smooth, very smooth and the next thing sheknew they were making love. Jolene had always used adiaphragm with Jerome, but things had happened so fastwith Lamar. Now with him in the next room she couldhardly breath, what if Lamar said something to Jerome,what if Jerome found out that their son was reallyLamar’s. “Hey Jolene I have to make a beer run, entertain Lamarbaby and I’ll be right back.”Jolene removed her t-shirt and was searching for a brawhen she felt strong arms envelope her from behind. “What the. Lamar don’t, Jerome.” Lamar’s hands hadalready covered her breasts his fingers pinching hernipples. “Dam Jolene it’s been a long time, is it me or did yournipples get bigger.” Jolene turned around so that shecould face Lamar. “Lamar you didn’t say anything to Jerome did you.Hell Jolene I didn’t even no you were married to him.I guess you never told him about are little gettogether.” Lamar slipped his hands into Jolene’spanties and caressed her ass cheeks. “Lamar, Jerome just went down the street. Oh Lamar, godwhat are you doing.Girl don’t act so innocent with me, lets get thesepanties off now.” Lamar partially pulled down Jolene’spanties as she quickly stepped out of them. Then withlittle hesitation Lamar turned her around and leanedher over and began undoing his pants. “Lamar hurry Jerome can never know.Take it easy baby, feel what I got here, did you missthis baby.” Lamar ‘s cock was already getting hard ashe rubbed it up and down Jolene’s slit. Moisture wasalready oozing from her cunt and the way she wasgyrating her hips with anticipation made Lamar smile.Lamar pushed his cock into the tight pussy and Jolenelet Anime out a loud moan.Jolene felt the pressure increase as Lamar’s cockpenetrated her hungry cunt and almost instantly shebegan to cum. Lamar had this effect on her ever sincethe first time they had met. True his cock was big, nohuge, but it was more than that. More than his beingblack too. there was this animal magnetism with himthat drove Jolene crazy. So crazy that she had hadunprotected sex with him and gotten pregnant.Thankfully when she told Jerome she was pregnant henever questioned who the father was, Jerome’s egohelping there. As for Lamar she never told him he hadgotten her pregnant. Now she was fucking Lamar again,risking everything and not caring, at least she was onthe pill. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed thoughher body as Lamar’s cock filled her pussy. “Oh fuck Lamar that feels so good. oh god, oh don’tstop.” Jolene could feel her pussy stretching asLamar’s cock filled her up. Jolene loved sex withJerome, but he didn’t have the tools or the know how toplease her like Lamar. In that regard Jolene had nevermet a man like Lamar. Jolene pussy was stretched toit’s limits, the fullness of Lamar’s cock head bumpingher cervix.Lamar buried his cock in Jolene white pussy as hepressed his hand on her back, forcing her over thebathroom sink. Jolene tight cunt was contracting aroundhis engorged cock and she was franticly pushing backagainst his black spear. Lamar could feel her cummingand this excited him even more, nothing excited himmore than making a woman cum hard. Not to mention thatlittle stint in the Dade county jail had left himhorny.No wonder Lamar felt his sperm start to boil. In lessthan two minutes Lamar’s potent seed exploded in Jolenepussy. Driving his cock deep into her slit, Lamarclenched his muscular ass cheeks as his sperm coatedJolene’s womb. Jolene could feel Lamar’s cock swell andpulse as he came, god she loved that feeling, a feelingshe had only had with Lamar. Jolene shuddered violentlyas she came hard for a final time. “Oh god that was so nice, dam you Lamar, I can’tbelieve this happened.” Just then Jolene heard thegarage door, Jerome was home. Turning quickly shepushed Lamar out of the bathroom door. Lamar had a shiteating grin on his face, his cock still dripping with amixture of Jolene’s cunt juice and his sperm. “Lamar don’t just stand there, please pull up yourpants,” Jolene said as Anime Fuck she slammed the bathroom doorclosed.When Jolene immerged from the bathroom Lamar and Jeromewere sitting in the living room. Jolene was shakingwith fear that Jerome had found out what had justhappened. Jolene couldn’t believe she had let Lamarmake love to her like that. No foreplay, rushed, shehad acted like a cheap slut. “Jolene I was just telling Lamar here about Kay and herblack baby. I think we know who the daddy is.” Lamarhooked his thumb in Lamar’s direction. Jolene remainedquite, not knowing how to respond. Lamar was quick tospeak out. “Jolene I think I need to see my son. I understand fromyour husband here that your friend thinks I ddher. You know that’s’ not true right.Yes.” Jolene didn’t know were this was going, butLamar’s last statement sounded more like a threat thana question, at least she didn’t have to worry aboutJerome for now. “Good that settles it then, why don’t we take a littleride. I think it’s time I meet my son.”CHAPTER 8Kay finished the work out tape and turned the TV on toone of her soaps. Glancing into a mirror Kay lookedherself over. Almost six months had passed since shehad given birth and with hard work she was in the bestshape ever. Kay’s sports bra was wet with perspirationand she made a mental note to buy a larger size.Kay was still breast feeding and her breasts were atleast two cup sizes larger. Kay’s shook her head at thesight of her thick nipples looking like thimblesunderneath the sports bra. No doubt she would needthicker material on the bra too. When the door bellrang the last person she thought she’d see was Jolene.Kay thought about not answering, she felt terribleabout what happened with Jerome. Never the less it wastime to face up to Jolene and she decided now was thetime. Opening the door she greeted Jolene. “Hi Jolene come in. Were is little Jerome?Out in the car with his dad.”Kay became nervous, Jerome must have said something andJolene was going to confront her. Kay didn’t know ifshe should invite Jerome in, so she said nothing andprepared for the worst. “Sorry I haven’t called you back, but with getting backwith Curt and the baby, it’s been crazy.Kay that’s alright, probably the last person Curtwants to see is me after that night we went out. That’snot why I’m here. Lamar is in the car outside withJerome.The guy that dd me. He’s here now. I’m callingthe cops right now, that son Anime Gay Masturbation of a bitch.” Kay walked tothe phone and picked it up. “Kay put the phone down before you do something youregret. I told you then and I’m telling you now, itwasn’t Lamar that dd you. You were messed up longbefore Lamar got there. Hell Kay you just about fuckedmy husband on the dance floor that night. I told youabout that, you even suggested a threesome to us, forheaven sake.”Jolene had never said anything about a threesome to Kaybefore and it caused Kay to put the phone down. Kaytreaded carefully now. “Jesus, Jolene you never said anything.It was no big deal Kay, but I don’t want you accusingLamar of something he didn’t do. He’s really nice andhe wants to see his son.Oh god what am I going to do now. Oh fuck Curt, justwhen we got back together. How come this Lamar didn’tcall before. Where was he when I was pregnant. What afucking mess.Kay he just got back into town, he didn’t know. He’sreally a nice guy.” Jolene felt compelled to build himup. right now all she could think about was keepingLamar happy. The last thing Jolene needed was Lamarsaying something to Jerome. After all Jolene had noillusions about Lamar loving her, all she was to Lamarwas another lay. Without asking, Jolene turned andopened the door and signaled to the car. Moments laterLamar appeared at the door as Jolene made her way pasthim.The moment he walked through the door a flood ofmemories swept through Kay’s mind. There he was, herdream man.